Elizabeth Beckins, who was called Bae Gyeon-in, graduated from the nursing school of Battle Creek Hospital in the U.S. and visited Korea on November 16, 1915, as a missionary to the Northern Presbyterian U.S.A. She came as the fourth nursing missionary at Dongsan Christian Hospital. Fletcher called Beckins a thoughtful, outgoing, and sociable woman. And he recalled that she was a person who gave relief and comfort to people around her. In particular, Director Fletcher's wife Jessie helped deliver the first child and the delivery went smoothly.
Beckins, along with Fletcher, was in charge of the ministry of the Aerakwon, taking care of and nursing leprosy patients. At the same time, she was also in charge of teaching Joseon women.
Through this, the church in Aerakwon was revived in a short period of time, and 158 Baptists, 199 Learners, 4 elders, and 8 butlers were elected. Every week, 25 teachers in 20 classes led the students in the middle school, and the Bible study class was held every day.
She resigned as a missionary in 1919, because of her marriage with Dick.